Thursday, June 24, 2010

Back to Training

I had taken the lastfew days off to recover and rest a bit. I dont have any more races scheduled until mid July so I thought it was a good time to rest a couple aches and pains away. I woke up feeling pretty good today and my heel was finally feeling better so I decided to get an ez paced 60 min run in. I havent ran on the roads here by the house for awhile and it was actually enjoyable to get back out on them . I better get used to it because I have no idea when the trails will ever be dry enough to run on again. If we can get a few days of sunshine maybe I'll try them out this weekend at Jubilee.


mattonne said...

You snipers get ALL the fun toys

Midz said...

Seriously, my equipment more than doubled. And most of it is uber cool!

mattonne said...

Hey Midz, I'll sell you 2 ten foot Kayaks and all the goodies to go with them for $600.00

Midz said...

Really?! Can you give me a make and model?

mattonne said...

Both are actually 9.5 ft (you don't need to license them!) One is an L.L. Bean (perception swifty) the other is a NuNu. Two paddles, 1 cover (swifty), 1 Kayak cart w/wheels. I can send some photos if you want.

Midz said...

If you could...please. my email is .