Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A New Beginning

Break time over! I start on 2nd shift tomorrow and a new training schedule will commence. It will be a lot of trial and error early on, but we'll get the bugs worked out soon enough. I'm really jacked up about going again too. It helps the motivation factor when you get to check out your new tri bike at the shop. I have to go in next week so D can get everything adjusted accordingly. It is sweet! Probably too fast for the motor right now, but I expect to fix that over the winter.

The general plan is to get my swim/bike/run sessions in after I wake up in the mornings. After work I''ll be hitting the Simple Fit and core or some simple yoga emphasising either strength or flexibility. That all sounds great, but I have to start really cleaning up the diet and eating good. Oddly enough, I'm actually hoping to put on some muscle mass over the winter and shed some fat. I'm really hoping to be sitting at about the 215 lb. mark next season. And it all starts back up again with purpose and focus tomorrow.

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