Sunday, August 14, 2005

Busy Week Ahead

With the upcoming race weekend, I"ll have a lot of work to do. The course still needs some cleaning and marked and the MTX and DH courses still need some grooming and marked also. The medals are ready, the port-a-johns are ordered and the PA is taken care of. We may need a second generator, but I think Little Ades is hookin' us up there. It's my 4-mid week so I'd like to get some riding in also. I haven't been on the bike since Wednesday so I'm starting to get a little itchy.

With all the rain we got this weekend, the trails are going to be a little squishy. That's actually a good thing because it will get me on my road bike. My initial thought is that if I train for an event next year it will be road bike oriented. I'd like to do a duathalon sometime. That's always been a goal of mine. Plus, I don't exactly have a bike for any type of XC event. Oh well, I've known all along that winter training would be different this year. I really want to putmore emphasis on my cardio work. I hate coming into the season built like an ox and benching 300+ but I can't ride with anyone for 20 minutes. I'm just tired of riding myself into riding shape.

Maybe if I actually came out in April at 215 lbs rather than 230 lbs I'd have a better season. So far, this year has been just like last year, my best riding started in August and September. By October I feel great and then the riding slows down. Then I'm off to the gym to build up to 230 lbs and looking like a bull again. Hell I have a CSCS, you'd think I would learn. It seems like I'm better with other people's progress than my own.

1 comment:

Mike Howard said...

Set a goal dude ! and work towards it ! you know what to do, Lets do some trail running this fall and winter !